2 research outputs found

    Der Ukraine-Krieg in den Sozialen Medien: Begegnungen und Erfahrungen mit Instagram, YouTube und TikTok

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    Soldaten, die vor zerstörten Panzern stehen, zerbombte Häuserschluchten oder Mädchen, die im Bunker singen – digitale Beiträge prägen unser Bild des Ukraine- Krieges. Auch Kriegsberichterstattung wird in sozialen Medien ausführlich betrieben. Wie begegnen wir als Nachwuchswissenschaftler*innen einem Krieg, der in nicht allzu weiter Entfernung stattfindet und den wir hauptsächlich in den Sozialen Medien verfolgen? Diese Frage steht im Fokus dieses Aufsatzes, der unsere individuellen Begegnungen mit dem Ukraine-Krieg auf Instagram, YouTube und TikTok beschreibt. Anhand einzelner Beispiele machen wir deutlich, dass digitale Beiträge ein bewusst gestaltetes Abbild des Ukraine-Krieges konstruieren. Die produzierten Medien werden als mediale Zeugenschaft und Protestmittel im Krieg auf eine neue Bedeutungsebene gehoben. Sie beeinflussen, was gefühlt und gedacht werden soll. Der Kommentarfeed eines Beitrages gibt dabei spannende Einblicke in die Wirkung des Contents auf einzelne User*innen und spiegelt ausgelöste Emotionen wider.Soldiers standing in front of destroyed tanks, bombed-out canyons of houses or girls singing in the bunker - digital contributions shape our image of the war in Ukraine. The coverage of the war is also carried out extensively in social media. How do we as young academics encounter a war that is taking place not too far away and that we mainly follow on social media? This question is the focus of this essay, which describes our individual encounters with the Ukraine war on Instagram, YouTube and TikTok. Using individual examples, we make clear that digital posts construct a consciously designed image of the Ukraine war. The media produced are elevated to a new level of meaning as media witness and means of protest in the war. They influence what is to be felt and thought. The comment feed of a post provides exciting insights into the effect of the content on individual users and reflects the emotions triggered

    Digestive enzymes in the ontogenetic stages of the southern king crab, Lithodes santolla

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    The early ontogenetic stages of the sub-Antarctic king crab Lithodes santolla were analyzed for the presence and activities of a set of important digestive enzymes. The eggs and non-feeding larvae (zoea I-III, megalopa) showed high activities of esterases, phosphatases, and exopeptidases indicating the enzymatic ability to utilize endogeneous yolk reserves. SDS-PAGE showed a continuous decrease of proteins or proteids in the range of 59–81 kDa during ontogenetic development from the eggs through the zoeal stages to the first juvenile crab stage, CI. This reduction reflects the degradation of storage compounds during lecithotrophic larval development. Activities of the endopeptidases, trypsin and chymotrypsin, were low in eggs and larvae but increased significantly in the first juvenile crab stage. These enzymes typically facilitate the first steps of proteolysis in the extra-cellular spaces of the midgut gland and in the stomach. Their scarcity indicates that the larvae of L. santolla are physiologically not prepared to digest external food. This ability seems to appear first in the CI stage. Extracts of juvenile midgut glands and the gastric fluids of adults showed high activities of a variety of digestive enzymes including phosphatases, carbohydrases, as well as endo- and exopeptidases. High activities of digestive enzymes in adults may compensate for scarce food supply and rate-limiting low temperatures in the predominantly sub-Antarctic habitats of L. santolla